Common Foundation Problems

It’s never fun to discover that you have a foundation problem in your home. It is, however, quite common. In fact, did you know that approximately 25% of homes in America experience a foundation issue at some point. That’s a 1 in 4 chance that your home will experience a foundation issue. Let’s look at the causes of foundation problems to understand why this is so common.

Improperly Poured Foundation

If the builder did not use quality concrete, didn’t protect the concrete from freezing, didn’t let the concrete cure long enough, or didn’t use the right amount of rebar or steel in the foundation, the foundation that is supporting your home may not be strong enough to support the weight of the house.

Changes in the soil under your home

While there are many different types of soil through Idaho and Oregon, it’s the clay, sand, and silt contained within the soil that is responsible for making up the soil’s pore space. The soil’s pore space determines how well the soil drains, the amount of oxygen and air in the soil, and its ability to hold nutrients. Organic materials can be present in the soil and degrade over time offering less support to hold the weight of the house.

Soil that is too saturated

When the soil beneath your home becomes too saturated with water, the hydrostatic pressure from the water can become so great that it pushes against the foundation. This can cause water to seep into the basement, form cracks in the concrete and cause walls to bow.

Interior Installations

Soil that is too dry

When the soil beneath your home becomes too dry it can shrink up and offer less support to the foundation beneath your home. Without a solid base under your home, the concrete foundation can crack from the weight exerted on it.

Unevenly Watered Soil

Not only can soil that has too much water or not enough water cause problems, but if there are uneven amounts of water beneath the foundation, this can also cause cracks in your foundation. Your home needs a solid base beneath its foundation in order to support the structure built upon it.

Temperature Changes

In Idaho and Oregon where the temperature fluctuates between freezing and thawing, expansive soils can lead to problems. Expansive soils are those with clay properties that swell and contract when exposed to water and dryness. When these expansive soils are beneath or around your foundation the saturated soils can freeze and push against the foundation. Then, after the soil thaws and the water evaporates, the ground can shrink up. This constant change in water can lead to foundation problems such as cracks and settlement.

Foundation problems are not just caused by the ground beneath your home, but also the ground around your home. The good news is that Idaho Concrete has many proven foundation repair solutions that can improve the stability of a poor foundation.

If you think you may have a foundation problem, it’s important to involve a foundation repair specialist that you can trust to help you determine, not only the cause of the problem, but also the right solution for your home. Call Idaho Concrete Lifting today to get expert advice from a Certified Foundation Repair Expert!

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